Fasting, what are the benefits?

Fasting, what are the benefits?

How is fasting good for you?

In spite of its recent popularity, fasting is a practice that dates back centuries and is practiced in many religions and cultures. Fasting is the abstinence from all or some foods and drinks for a particular time period every day. There are several methods of fasting and you can opt for one that suits your requirements.

fasting prayer hands

 Fasting offers a variety of health benefits, which is why this method is gaining traction amongst health conscious individuals. When you do not eat for a certain time period, the ketone levels in the body rise. Ketones are chemicals that are made by the liver and the body uses it as energy. Fasting not only increases body’s energy levels but it also offers a myriad of physical and mental benefits.

 For starters, fasting purifies the body of toxins and directs cells into procedures that are not typically enthused when a steady stream of food is present. Abstaining from consuming food reduces body’s access to glucose that forces the body to extract energy from other sources. As a result, the basal metabolic rate becomes efficient, and leads to lower blood pressure and heart rate.

 If you are looking to lose weight, fasting will fast track your fitness goals by dropping calories, crushing stubborn fat, and reforming the metabolism for better performance. Moreover, it will improve the cognitive function, decrease the risk of chronic disease and augment the energy levels.

fasting mindfulness

Intermittent fasting

Fasting has exhibited to have numerous beneficial impacts on the metabolism that might result in a reduced risk of cancer. Intermittent fasting might aid in preventing cancer and also decreases the side effects of chemotherapy. In addition, intermittent fasting might decrease cancer risk by lessening the growth of lymphoma, restraining tumor existence, and decelerating the spread of cancer cells. 

One of the most common types of fasting is intermittent fasting. It is a process of interchanging cycles of fasting and eating. The best feature of this method is that there are no restrictions on the kind of food that can be consume. Intermittent fasting does not alter what you eat, it regulates when you eat. The idea behind this regimen is to promote change in body composition via loss of weight and fat mass. Moreover, it improve markers of health that are related to ailments like cancer, cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

How long should you fast?

Ideally, a person should fast somewhere between 14 and 18 hours in a day. It is especially beneficial if you are aiming for weight loss and to achieve other health benefits. Certain practices can support a safe fast and ensure optimal health benefits.

Fasting breaking fast

Best practices 

One of the best ways to ensure excellent results is by drinking ample water and staying hydrated. Meditating, walking or indulging in yoga will calm your brain and does not exert a lot of energy. During eating periods, it is best to eat normally rather than in taking high-calorie junk food, fried food, and treats.‌

 Fasting might make you feel tired, irritable and hungry; however, if you are feeling unwell then limit your fasting periods. People who are struggling with weight gain, pregnant or breastfeeding women should not go on an intermittent fasting diet.


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